Acupuncture used alone or in combination with other complementary or conventional treatments can be beneficial to patients with a wide range of health concerns. It has been used in China for more than 2,000 years to help maintain good health, promote well-being and to treat illness.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are based on the principal of Qi, an energy flow, which flows along twelve defined pathways in the body, called meridians. The organs of the body in concert together make Qi blood and other substances, which supply the meridians and blood systems to bring life to the body and mind. Acupuncture is used to reestablish proper flow of Qi and blood and promote a healthy balance within the organs of the body.
During an Acupuncture treatment, sterile disposable needles are placed on selected points on these meridians. The Acupuncture needles are hair-thin, solid and made of stainless steel. The needles are typically placed just below the skin's surface and stay in place for between 1 and 20 minutes; however, this may vary depending what the treatment is designed to achieve . Most patients only experience a brief sensation of discomfort as the needle is initially placed. Many patients experience a pleasant feeling of relaxation and may even fall asleep for the rest of the treatment.
After treatment some changes may be observed almost immediately but more usually will take a couple of days to happen. In most cases a few treatments are needed to see improvement particularly where the body mind is exhausted. Sometimes a slight aggravation of symptoms may occur for a few days as the body mind is stimulated to do the task of throwing off illness, after which a clear feeling of wellbeing can emerge.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are based on the principal of Qi, an energy flow, which flows along twelve defined pathways in the body, called meridians. The organs of the body in concert together make Qi blood and other substances, which supply the meridians and blood systems to bring life to the body and mind. Acupuncture is used to reestablish proper flow of Qi and blood and promote a healthy balance within the organs of the body.
During an Acupuncture treatment, sterile disposable needles are placed on selected points on these meridians. The Acupuncture needles are hair-thin, solid and made of stainless steel. The needles are typically placed just below the skin's surface and stay in place for between 1 and 20 minutes; however, this may vary depending what the treatment is designed to achieve . Most patients only experience a brief sensation of discomfort as the needle is initially placed. Many patients experience a pleasant feeling of relaxation and may even fall asleep for the rest of the treatment.
After treatment some changes may be observed almost immediately but more usually will take a couple of days to happen. In most cases a few treatments are needed to see improvement particularly where the body mind is exhausted. Sometimes a slight aggravation of symptoms may occur for a few days as the body mind is stimulated to do the task of throwing off illness, after which a clear feeling of wellbeing can emerge.
Richard Lamb M B C. c.e
Richard Lamb ran his own practice in Norwich and Norfolk for nearly 30 years and has recently returned to Cornwall. Richard Lamb holds a degree in Acupuncture from the Traditional Acupuncture College in Leamington where he studied under Professor Worsley.
Ongoing education has included studying with John and Angela Hicks for the TCM (Traditional Chinese Acupuncture) qualification at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM) and a 3 year course with Julian Scott and Teresa Barlow in Paediatric Children's Acupuncture.
Richard also worked with NORCAS for 10 years in 'detox acupuncture' for recovering alcoholics in Norfolk.
Richard Lamb is registered with the British Acupuncture Council.
Richard Lamb ran his own practice in Norwich and Norfolk for nearly 30 years and has recently returned to Cornwall. Richard Lamb holds a degree in Acupuncture from the Traditional Acupuncture College in Leamington where he studied under Professor Worsley.
Ongoing education has included studying with John and Angela Hicks for the TCM (Traditional Chinese Acupuncture) qualification at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM) and a 3 year course with Julian Scott and Teresa Barlow in Paediatric Children's Acupuncture.
Richard also worked with NORCAS for 10 years in 'detox acupuncture' for recovering alcoholics in Norfolk.
Richard Lamb is registered with the British Acupuncture Council.